Aesthetic Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery: Surgical Adjuncts and Pearls for Success

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Llawfeddygaeth Eyelid Esthetig a Pheriorbital: Ategolion Llawfeddygol a Pherlau ar gyfer Llwyddiant

6 awr o fideo gweithredol. 2018.


gan Guy Massry, MD ac Amy Patel, MD

Join Dr. Guy Massry, master oculoplastic surgeon, as he performs seven aesthetic eyelid surgeries in this highly educational video collection. Dr. Massry begins each case with a descriptive surgical plan. He then takes the viewer step-by-step through each case, inserting surgical pearls and words of wisdom gathered over a 20-year career. Dr. Massry’s goal is to impart to the viewer what experience has taught him, so that when performing surgery on this highly delicate area, outcomes and success are enhanced and complications are minimized.

Viewers will surely benefit from fundamental concepts, such as marking and anesthetic injection techniques, to the abundant identification of relevant anatomy, to more thought-provoking ideas, such as why various surgical maneuvers or adjuncts are added. The video is supplemented with medical illustrations and additional educational material. Tips to avoid complications are discussed, as well as relevant terms, literature, and innovators in the field.

Mae gweithdrefnau’n cynnwys:
  • Blepharoplasti caead uchaf, pwythau crogiad pad braster ael, blepharoplasti trawsgyfunol y caead isaf gydag ail-leoli braster is-gyfnod, ataliad canthal caeedig, toriad croen intraciliary (techneg fflap)
  • Blepharoplasti caead uchaf, pwythau ataliad braster ael, trawsosod braster amrant uchaf
  • Blepharoplasti trawsgyfunol caead isaf gydag ail-leoli braster subperiosteal, canthoplasti agored sy'n arbed commissure, toriad croen intraciliary (techneg fflap), impio braster i rhigol orbitomalar (cynhaeaf o glun mewnol)
  • Atgyweiriad ôl-blepharoplasti (sicatricial) tynnu'r amrant isaf, gan gynnwys: lifft ael endosgopig dros dro (er mwyn osgoi sypiau canthal), rhyddhau ôl-dyniad amrant isaf trawsgyfunol, canthoplasti agored, lifft midface preperiosteal (blaen myofascial ymlaen llaw), cynhaeaf impiad taflod caled gyda lleoliad i y ddau amrant isaf, tarsorrhaphy suture rhew
  • Blepharoplasti caead uchaf, ail-leoli chwarren lacrimal, pwythau hongiad pad braster ael
  • Lifft ael endosgopig dros dro, blepharoplasti caead uchaf, pwythau hongiad pad braster ael, atgyweiriad ptosis mewnol cywir, blepharoplasti trawsgroenol caead isaf gydag ail-leoli braster subperiosteal
  • Blepharoplasti ar y caead uchaf, blepharoplasti trawsgyfunol ar y caead isaf, ataliad canthal caeedig, toriad croen intraciliary (techneg fflap)
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