Casgliad: cynhyrchion

Cynhyrchion 63
  • Uwchsain AIUM 3D yr Uterus ac Adnexa: Sut Mae'n Gwneud Gwahaniaeth?
    AIUM 3D Ultrasound of the Uterus and Adnexa: How Does it Make a Difference? | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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    Gwerthu allan
  • Offerennau Adnexal AIUM: Gwahaniaethu Anfalaen a Malignant
    AIUM Adnexal Masses: Distinguishing Benign and Malignant | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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    Gwerthu allan
  • Sganio Plexus Serfigol a Brachial Uwch AIUM 2021
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  • Gwerthusiad Ecocardiograffig Uwch AIUM wrth Erchwyn y Gwely 2020
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  • Pynciau Uwch AIUM mewn Uwchsain Arennol Oedolion 2020
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  • AIUM Uwch: Echocardiograffeg Ffetws Cynnar
    AIUM Advanced: Early Fetal Echocardiography | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Canfyddiadau annodweddiadol AIUM mewn Beichiogrwydd: Cwrs Rhyngweithiol
    AIUM Atypical Findings in Pregnancy: An Interactive Course | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Esgyrn Moel AIUM: Hanfodion Dysplasia Ysgerbydol 2020
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  • AIUM Ffetws Sylfaenol Echo: Beth i'w wneud pan fyddwch yn Canfod Diffyg Calon Cynhenid
    AIUM Basic Fetal Echo: What to do When You Detect Congenital Heart Defect | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Delweddu y Fron AIUM
    AIUM Breast Imaging | Medical Video Courses.
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  • Canfyddiadau Cardiaidd AIUM Ni ddylech fyth eu Colli!
    AIUM Cardiac Findings You Should Never Miss! | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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    Gwerthu allan
  • Uwchsain Cyhyrysgerbydol Cynhwysfawr AIUM
    AIUM Comprehensive Musculoskeletal Ultrasound | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Technegau MSK Ymyrraeth Uwchsain dan Arweiniad Uwchsain AIUM
    AIUM Cutting Edge Ultrasound-Guided Interventional MSK Techniques | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Gwerthusiad AIUM Doppler o'r Beichiogrwydd Mewn Perygl
    AIUM Doppler Evaluation of the At-Risk Pregnancy | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Gwerthusiad AIUM o Poen Pelfig: A all Uwchsain Wneud Pawb?
    AIUM Evaluation of Pelvic Pain: Can Ultrasound Do It All? | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Annormaleddau abdomen a thorasig ffetws AIUM: Nodweddion a Diagnosis
    AIUM Fetal Abdominal and Thoracic Abnormalities: Features and Diagnosis | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Afiechyd Cardiofasgwlaidd Ffetws AIUM: Achosion Heriol a Posau 2020
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  • Tiwtorial Canllaw Echocardiograffeg Ffetws AIUM
    AIUM Fetal Echocardiography Guideline Tutorial | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Optimeiddio Delwedd Calon Ffetws AIUM: Yr Allwedd i Sgrinio 2021
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  • Calon Ffetws AIUM: Y pethau sylfaenol ac anhysbys cardiaidd
    AIUM Fetal Heart: The Basics and Cardiac Unknowns | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Niwrosonoleg Ffetws AIUM: Dull Diagnostig o Gamffurfiadau Cyffredin
    AIUM Fetal Neurosonology: Diagnostic Approach to Common Malformations | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Golygfeydd Tri Llestr Ffetws AIUM: Tiwtorial Seiliedig ar Achosion 2020
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  • Egwyddorion Cyffredinol Ymyriadau dan Arweiniad yr Unol Daleithiau AIUM 2020
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • AIUM Sut i Berfformio Arholiad Uwchsain Anatomig Manwl yn y Trimester Cyntaf
    AIUM How to Perform a Detailed Anatomic Ultrasound Examination in the First Trimester | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • AIUM Sut i Berfformio Arholiad Uwchsain OB Safonol yn yr Ail a'r Trydydd Tymor
    AIUM How to Perform a Standard OB Ultrasound Examination in the Second and Third-Trimester | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Cyflwyniad AIUM i Ddelweddu Cavitation ar gyfer Canllawiau Uwchsain Therapiwtig 2021
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Diabetes Mamol AIUM, Embryopathi a Ffetopathi Cysylltiedig, ac Uwchsain 2020
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  • Uwchsain AIUM MSK: Y Pum Patholeg Fwyaf Cyffredin ym mhob Cyd: Aelodau Is
    AIUM MSK Ultrasound: The Five Most Prevalent Pathologies in Each Joint: Lower Limb | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Uwchsain AIUM MSK: Y Pum Patholeg Fwyaf Cyffredin ym mhob Cyd: Aelodau Uchaf
    AIUM MSK Ultrasound: The Five Most Prevalent Pathologies in Each Joint: Upper Limb | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Ystumiau Lluosog AIUM
    AIUM Multiple Gestations | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Uwchsain Cyhyrysgerbydol AIUM o Anafiadau Chwaraeon a Hernias
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  • AIUM Llywio Anafiadau Cyhyrysgerbydol Galwedigaethol ar gyfer y Sonograffydd a'r Darparwr 2020
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  • Dulliau Newydd AIUM o Werthuso Torfol Adnexal yng Ngogledd America: Defnyddio Systemau IOTA ac O-RADS 2020
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Obstetreg Nonfetal AIUM: Placenta, Membranes, a Cervix
    AIUM Nonfetal Obstetrics: Placenta, Membranes, and Cervix | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Uwchsain Pelfig AIUM: Ei gymryd i'r Lefel Nesaf
    AIUM Pelvic Ultrasound: Taking it to the Next Level | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Asesiad Uwchsain Pwynt Gofal AIUM o Patholeg Coluddyn Acíwt
    AIUM Point-of-Care Ultrasound Assessment of Acute Bowel Pathology | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Awgrymiadau Ymarferol, Tricks ac Optimizations AIUM ar gyfer Ffurfio Trawstiau Uwchsain ac Ailadeiladu Delwedd 2021
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  • Canllaw Ymarfer AIUM ar gyfer y Pelvis Benywaidd
    AIUM Practice Guideline for the Female Pelvis | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Paramedr Ymarfer AIUM ar gyfer Perfformiad Archwiliad Uwchsain Cyhyrysgerbydol: Tiwtorial Fideo Cam wrth Gam
    AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Examination: Step-by-Step Video Tutorial | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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  • Paramedr Ymarfer AIUM ar gyfer Perfformiad Archwiliad Uwchsain o'r Abdomen a / neu Retroperitoneum ac Arholiadau Uwchsain Diagnostig a Sgrinio o'r Aorta Abdomenol
    AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of an Ultrasound Examination of the Abdomen and/or Retroperitoneum and Diagnostic and Screening Ultrasound Examinations of the Abdominal Aorta | Medical Video Courses.
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    pris rheolaidd
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Ddim ar gael

Wedi Gwerthu Allan